Friday, August 24, 2012

Our CCE Garden

Today, we visited our school's garden. Ms. Brenda helped us identify some of the things that are growing in our garden like green beans, onions, and squash. We helped her pull weeds, because we learned that weeds soak up some of the nutrients that the plants could use to grow. 

Ms. Brenda taught us about the peanut plant, a plant that needed dug up from our garden before the nuts developed, because there are many peanut allergies in our school. She explained that the peanut plant is not an allergen but explained that the nut itself can be very harmful and deadly to children with severe peanut allergies. Getting the peanut plants dug out before they developed nuts was key to keeping the soil contaminate free.  With trowels our 5 Star students replanted the peanut plant into cups to take them home. They know for the peanut plant to thrive, they will have to replant it in a bigger pot, give it direct sunlight, and water it 2-3 times a week. Ms. Brenda says that they should develop peanuts by Halloween if the plant survives. We can't wait to hear if the replanting was successful. 

Stay tuned, more pictures to follow soon. 


  1. I am glad that I got to plant to help allergies in our school.

    Kailey A

  2. I can't wait for our plant to grow. I've never seen peanuts on the actual plant before. I love to see the learning taking place outside the classroom, inside the classroom, and at home.
    Lourdes :)

  3. Plant is on our deck! :) Mom Burke! <3

  4. My peanut plant is doing great in its new pot :o)


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